• 1116
Overall Rating 4.9   25
Det var med lidt bæven, da jeg bestilte denne ring flash tænker jeg kunne ende med en citron, hvordan kunne de producere en flash for mindre end £ 80 pounds, når Canon 's koster £ 500 pounds plus. Nå, da det ankom, og jeg pakkede det ud, var jeg mere end overrasket og tilfreds med denne flash, jeg spildte ingen tid og satte den op på min Canon 70D og Sigma makroobjektiv. WOW. Ringblitzen gør alt, hvad du ville forvente, det er godt lavet, du har alle adaptere, så du kan passe det til de fleste linser, det leveres med en dejlig sag til at holde det i. OK Canon ex-14 som et par ting, som KF-150c ikke har som master til slave parring og høj hastighed synkronisering. Jeg kan leve med dette, og for at være retfærdig vil Canon være bedre bygget og mere end sandsynligt med bedre elektroniske komponenter i siden, men hvad fanden 80 quid mod 500 kan jeg også leve med det.
Ankom til tiden. Værd at pengene. Fandt det nemt at betjene Jeg er tilfreds med købet.
Var lidt bekymret for at bestille denne ring flash som det var så billigt. Jeg behøver ikke have bekymret. Det er genialt. Let at bruge, og jeg tror, det vil få meget brug både indendørs og udendørs. Jeg er virkelig tilfreds med de billeder, jeg har taget indtil videre. Den leveres også med masser af forlængerrør, så jeg kan fastgøre til forskellige linser.
Fremragende makroring til prisen
Fantastisk at kunne kontrollere forholdet mellem de to blink. Adapterring til 77mm gevind giver mig mulighed for at bruge den med et Canon 24-70 f4 L-objektiv - ikke muligt med nogle af de rivaliserende tilbud. Jeg er meget glad for denne flash.
I am very happy with this macro ring flash. I've got great images that I would not have been able to capture without it. The great thing is the fact that one can use a really small aperture to increase depth of field and know that the exposure is going to be reasonably close to what's desired once it's set for the rest of the camera settings.Like any flash light, the light will reflect off other surfaces and increase the exposure level depending upon the backdrop one might be shooting an insect for instance against. If it's on a single stem with nothing behind it's going to be less exposed than if it were at rest on a leaf where the light will bounce and increase the exposure level.I'm shooting with a 5Dmk4 so can happily increase the ISO to enable me to use the flash at almost its lowest output as I find the images are more pleasing when the ambient light is able to play a part in the exposure. Also the recycling times are almost immediate at lower settings enabling a number of quick shots if the subject is likely to take flight, and one wants to move around the angles to get different shots of the same subject. The battery life is better than any other shoe mount flash I possess.I'd buy again with no hesitation, comes in a great bag which has a belt loop.
Fantastic value for money.
For the speed of delivery. 5tars. For the value of the product. 5 Stars. For the quality of the product. 5 Stars! I was very amazed at the quality when considering how much this macro flash-light cost. I researched carefully before buying and this paid off. I have taken some close-up photos of insects and I am delighted with the results!
Very pleased with this, I use the Canon version of the KF-150 on my Sony A7ii and it has transformed my macro photography efforts. It's not quite a ring so you don't get the complete donut but I'm able to live with that for this price.
Excellent value Excellent value
Very happy with this, considering the price. As others have mentioned, manual is practically gibberish. I haven't used a ring flash before, but figured out the basics in 10 minutes - set TTL (automatic) mode, made sure both tubes were enabled, played around with the ratio value, adjusted the exposure bias. As a result, I have many more gruesome spider pictures than most people.
I bought this ring flash Macro Flash Ring,K&F Concept® KF-150 Ring Flash as a replacement for a cheaper version ( got to try haven't you?) that refused to synchronize with my Canon cameras. This Concept® KF-150 is a different order again - the build quality is excellent, TTL exposure settings, quick recycling time, and excellent metal adapter rings. The close up pictures taken through - and with my Canon camera with standard lens and extension tube are excellent (hand focused - depth of focus is very small) see picture of the Face of a wasp.Excellent -recommended
This  Concept® KF-150 is a different order again - the build quality is excellen
Can't fault it. Better than comparable sigma ring flash.Set up and was using within 2 minutes.