Undervandsfiskekamera, 720P HD bærbar 4,3" LCD stor skærm, 15M langt kabel, IP68 vandtæt, med strømledning af amerikansk standard
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- * 【Bygget til fiskeentusiaster】 - Hvis du er en fiskeentusiast, er vores LIMINK F431 Fishing cm lige hvad du har brug for! Med 6 højopløsnings minikameraer og en HD 720P LCD-skærm viser den din levende fiskeaktivitet i absolut klarhed. Vores billeder er skarpere og mere farverige end de fleste på markedet, hvilket giver dig et mere realistisk syn på undervandsverdenen!
- * 【Multifunktionelt display】 - Dette bærbare undervandsfiskekamera med 4,3" skærm kan bruges til videooptagelse, liveovervågning af opdrættede væsener, visning af videoer og billeder og mere. Med det kan du optage fantastiske fiskebid og dele dovne øjeblikke med familien og venner Nyheder: Vores F431 fiskekamera med barometrisk display - det vil hjælpe dig med at fiske mere professionelt
- * 【Kamera og kabel af høj kvalitet】 Kamerakablet måler 49,3 fod i længden og er meget nemt at opbevare, da det kommer med en stikkontakt på bagsiden af skærmen. Kablet af høj kvalitet kan bære op til 30 kg. Objektivet overholder IP68-teknologi og er tæt forseglet for at give bedre billeder og give dig den bedste fiskeoplevelse
- * 【Lang levetid】 - Indbygget 4000mAh batteri, som kan holde i mindst 5 timer, når det er fuldt opladet. Denne fishfinder er perfekt til alle former for udendørs fiskesituationer, såsom natfiskeri, kajakfiskeri, kystfiskeri og meget mere. Det betyder, at du ikke behøver at bekymre dig om pludselige strømafbrydelser, der påvirker dine fiskeforhold, så du kan nyde dit fiskeri fuldt ud!
To Danmark Expedited Shipping 3-5 business days
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Der er mange fiskefindere på markedet, som kan bruges til fiskeri, men denne forbedrede version af dette undervandsfiskekamera kan give dig en mere interessant og pålidelig fiskeoplevelse ved at overvåge undervandsverdenen!
Real-Time Monitoring: The camera with 1280x720 resolution, clearer image and brighter colors will show you the most realistic underwater world. Watch the fish react to the bait when the fish is approaching, and take up the line in time when the fish is caught.
Air Pressure Display: Air pressure is displayed on the screen, so you can track changes in air pressure and find the right underwater position for fishing, making your fishing more efficient.
Video Recording and Photography: With the video recording function of this fish camera, you can record your fishing process (A TFT card should be inserted), and share the wonderful moments and beautiful moments of fishing with your family and friends. At the same time, you can also take photos of the moment when the fish is hooked to capture the exciting moment.
Infrared Sensor Lights: 6 high-power infrared lights help you see the fish in the water clearly even at night or in very dark water. Note: It is infrared light, but not visible light.
HIGH QUALITY: The cable of this LIMINK fishing finder is 50ft long and can withstand 30kg pulling force. The camera is IP68 waterproof and cold resistant. With an operating temperature range of -20°C to 60°C, it can work well in any season and weather.
Long Battery Life: The built-in 4000mAh battery can be used for five hours when fully charged. Note: We suggest you charge the device before the first use to make sure it works well for full time.
Air Pressure Display: Air pressure is displayed on the screen, so you can track changes in air pressure and find the right underwater position for fishing, making your fishing more efficient.
Video Recording and Photography: With the video recording function of this fish camera, you can record your fishing process (A TFT card should be inserted), and share the wonderful moments and beautiful moments of fishing with your family and friends. At the same time, you can also take photos of the moment when the fish is hooked to capture the exciting moment.
Infrared Sensor Lights: 6 high-power infrared lights help you see the fish in the water clearly even at night or in very dark water. Note: It is infrared light, but not visible light.
HIGH QUALITY: The cable of this LIMINK fishing finder is 50ft long and can withstand 30kg pulling force. The camera is IP68 waterproof and cold resistant. With an operating temperature range of -20°C to 60°C, it can work well in any season and weather.
Long Battery Life: The built-in 4000mAh battery can be used for five hours when fully charged. Note: We suggest you charge the device before the first use to make sure it works well for full time.
It is suitable for all kinds of fishing, such as ice fishing, night fishing, boat fishing, deep-sea fishing, coastal fishing and so on. It is a really good helper for all your fishing needs.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Is this model that shows in depth and pressure?
Answer: No, though the camera is well sealed, it does not support the depth lower than 50ft as that's the cable works. But the air pressure can be shown on the top of the screen.
Can this be mounted on a tripod? How?
Answer: Yes, it can be mounted on the tripod by sliding the spherical tripod that comes in the package to the back of the cord reel.
How long can the battery last? And how often should the battery be charged if it is not used for a long time?
Answer: Normally the camera can run for about 6 to 8 hours when the battery is fully charged. But if the camera is not used for a long time, please charge it every three months to avoid low power damage.
Does the camera maintain position or spin about? Is it easy to tell which direction you are looking once the camera is deployed?
Answer: The camera will maintain in one position as you deploy it. It can be set up for two positions (vertical or horizontal), you decide on using the holder or not.
Does this camera come with a fin?
Answer: Yes. This underwater fishing camera does come with a plastic fin, which is helpful to install on the camera for horizontal stabilization.
How far can down can you see?
Answer: It has a 50ft cord, but the clarity depends on the water clarity and the use of 6 IRs.
How does this camera under the water? Is the view clear in muddy water?
Answer:Det ses tydeligt under det rene vand (sø eller hav), men vi anbefaler ikke, at du påfører det i mudret vand.
Answer: No, though the camera is well sealed, it does not support the depth lower than 50ft as that's the cable works. But the air pressure can be shown on the top of the screen.
Can this be mounted on a tripod? How?
Answer: Yes, it can be mounted on the tripod by sliding the spherical tripod that comes in the package to the back of the cord reel.
How long can the battery last? And how often should the battery be charged if it is not used for a long time?
Answer: Normally the camera can run for about 6 to 8 hours when the battery is fully charged. But if the camera is not used for a long time, please charge it every three months to avoid low power damage.
Does the camera maintain position or spin about? Is it easy to tell which direction you are looking once the camera is deployed?
Answer: The camera will maintain in one position as you deploy it. It can be set up for two positions (vertical or horizontal), you decide on using the holder or not.
Does this camera come with a fin?
Answer: Yes. This underwater fishing camera does come with a plastic fin, which is helpful to install on the camera for horizontal stabilization.
How far can down can you see?
Answer: It has a 50ft cord, but the clarity depends on the water clarity and the use of 6 IRs.
How does this camera under the water? Is the view clear in muddy water?
Answer:Det ses tydeligt under det rene vand (sø eller hav), men vi anbefaler ikke, at du påfører det i mudret vand.
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