• 136
Overall Rating 5   4
Jeg skriver normalt ikke anmeldelser, men jeg var bare nødt til at for disse! Jeg forventede ikke meget, fordi de er under 12, men individuelt indpakket i posen og et kort, der spurgte mig, om jeg er glad.... damn jeg har det godt med dette! Filtrene selv føles solide og har en dejlig mat fornemmelse / finish. Optik ser ok ud ved første øjekast, men har brug for mere tid til at teste fuldt ud. Disse ser ud til at være af højere finish end andre filtre, jeg har brugt til omkring samme pris.
Bought these for my Sony a5000 and they fit the lense that comes with this camera. They screw into the front of the lense and can be stacked on top of each otherA useful starter pack if wanting to dabble into using slightly longer exposures but the filters are not really dark enough to allow for really long exposures, I used to use the darkest one and the second darker one on top of each other and would maybe be able to get a shutter speed of half a second to a second at mostIf wanting to do really long exposure shots you would need darker filters with higher ND ratings. Filters of these rating are however useful for allowing you to use a bigger aperture for shallower depth of field in brighter conditions.However I did find them very useful as a starting point to allow me to see if I wanted to invest in more expensive filters and now that I have bought more filters I still use the case that came with these, very handy
Nice set of ND filters. Tried them out a couple of times on my sony A7 and they give the desired effect.
They work fine